A peace that shatters all.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you, I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled  and do not be afraid." John 14:27

As the holiday season is slowly slipping away and a new year is charging towards us. Its hard to believe what another year will bring. From laughter and memories to pain and tragedies a new year means more adventure. More unexpected turns. As excited I am from what the Lord has planned. I am afraid. Afraid for pain. Afraid for sacrifice. Afraid for life. HIS peace shatters my fears. He comes in a shatters my fear like its a piece of glass.  If He is calling me to go risk my life. Sure fear will come but His peace is stronger. For the peace that the world brings is temporary and will die quickly in our fears. His peace knows the outcome. He knows that there is no need to fear. If your Creator who loves you and will only let good come out of every situation. If that Creator is holding you and giving you peace. Then surely His peace will shatter our fears. His peace will concur all. So if your excited, anxious, fearful or however you feel about 2015. Breath in His peace.


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