Have Courage and Trust

Live courageously. This phrase cuts deep within the soul of mankind with a conviction to live life on the edge, to persevere through the hard times. Yet it is so easy to live life with just a conviction to be courageous and not actually live it out. 
Having courage means a lot of different things. 
It is doing the right thing even if it goes against the flow.
Speaking truth to those around you while not fearing their reactions.
It means surrendering your heart to God and letting Him guide you. 
Courage is facing your fears. Letting God pull you into the storm. 
Life last semester was rough and I have to stay it was way easier to mop about, cling to the distraction of always going and never really stopping. Looking back I wish I could tell myself that everything is going to be okay. When everything you know is stripped away from you and the only comfort you have is really God. It takes courage to allow your heart to rest in Him. Courage to say, "okay God I trust you no matter what. Even when this sucks." 
Courage is not always found in the moments of perpetual work but in the moments of rest and surrender. It is solely found in God, who beckoned Joshua to be "Strong and Courageous." It is vital to recognize our time with the Lord is more than just a daily routine but a deep daily communion with our Lord and Savior. Have courage to let your heart to rest in Him. To allow yourself to surrender the daily sins that so burden your heart. He knows what you need, when you need it. Take time to rest. Resting in God is a daily or weekly routine that I have found most refreshing and life giving. (Even when resting by watching Netflix is a tempting option.) It is in those moments where I find my courage in God.
I have found even in those tough moments God provides friends who will speak truth into your situation. Friends who are learning to have courage with you. 
No matter what, God is by your side, always. Sometimes it even takes courage to believe that truth into your situation. 
Courage both in large and small dose speaks a testament to Gods faithfulness.
He is constant especially in those times when courage is most needed. 
Today, take that step to have courage and trust in Him, in the small and big trials you are facing


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